Survey Question and Answers with My Friends

I handed out this little survey to my friends, so here are their answers!

1.  What is your favorite color to wear and why? 
Alisha: Grey because it matches everything and isn't too dark like black
Raquel: Red because its bold and pretty and classic
 Makayla: Grey because it goes with everything
2.    Where would your dream vacation be to? 
Alisha: Australia
Raquel: London
Makayla: Punta Cana
 3. On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in makeup/fashion? 
 Alisha: 0
 Raquel: 9
 Makayla: 5
 4. What is your favorite thing to cook or bake? 
 Alisha: Quesadillas
 Raquel: Cookies
 Makayla: Pizza
     5. What is your favorite thing about the holiday season? Why?
       Alisha: Food because its always good
       Raquel: All the decorations everywhere
       Makayla: All the lights, they make it feel cozy
       6. How many states have you visited? Countries? 
         Alisha: 13 states, 0 countries
        Raquel: 6 states, 1 country
        Makayla: 3 states, 0 countries
     7. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
        Alisha: 20 minutes
        Raquel: Anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours it depends
        Makayla: 10 minutes
        8. What are your favorite shoes to wear?
        Alisha: Crocs
       Raquel: My Doc Martens
       Makayla: Birks
         9. If you got to go on an unlimited shopping spree to only one store, which store would you pick?
       Alisha: Pet store
       Raquel: Urban Outfitters
       Makayla: The Nike store
    10.   What’s the best thing you’ve ever eaten and where was it from?
        Alisha: Chicken and mashed potatoes at my cousin's wedding
        Raquel: Watermelon from my grandma's garden
        Makayla: Pork Dumplings from PF Changs
    11.     What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
        Alisha: Pet puppies or watch Netflix
        Raquel: Go running just listening to my music
        Makayla: Hang out with friends, go to baseball and basketball games


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