New Diagnosis


Hi everyone! Since I recently got a diagnosis of Lyme's Disease, I thought I'd share a little bit about all of the doctors leading up to the diagnosis and my experience with it. This whole journey started with knee pain 5 years ago, which quickly spread to chronic pain in both ankles, both knees, both hips, and lower back. I went from doctor to doctor trying to find one that could come up with any sort of treatment to just get me out of pain. In addition to the pain and pain medication came fatigue, brain fog, cognitive issues, depression, and anxiety. 5 years and 40+ doctors later, I've been through physical therapy three times, tried countless diets and medications, and gone to all types of specialists. Now some of you might be wondering why it took so long to get tested for Lyme's, but it didn't. I've been tested for Lyme's 3 times previously and even went though the antibiotics to get rid of them, but those little suckers were hiding. Some of the symptoms of Lyme's that I've been experiencing include; joint pain, neurological issues, severe fatigue, muscle pain, nerve pain, dizziness, memory issues, tingling hands and feet, issues with math problems, and many others. Since the antibiotics didn't work the first time, I'll be using a more natural, homeopatic route to help this time.We are planning to retest sometime in March and move on from there! For some more information, visit this video link- Lyme's Disease Signs and Symptoms. Keep an eye out for more updates when I start my supplements and learn more about my disease! See you next time!



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